Happy, Healthy, Horses
Our mission at Meadow Run Stables is to provide a safe, comfortable, fun, and professional environment for our boarders and their horse companions. We offer clean environmentally conscious facilities while providing access to professional training to help boarders achieve their riding goals.
Meadow Run Stables is rich in equine history and for the past 50 years has been home to thoroughbred racehorses, Tennessee Walkers, and a variety of horse trainers of multiple equestrian disciplines. Horse enthusiasts from all over Multnomah County, Oregon, and Southwest Washington have enjoyed these facilities. It is our pleasure to continue this legacy and share with horse owners for years to come. Meadow Run Stables has 18 lush acres and is located in Battle Ground, Washington just minutes from I-5.
Secure Ramm© fencing around both small and large pastures provide ample turn out though-out the year for individual horses and compatible herds. Two large stabling barns provide 12X12, 12X10, 10X10,and 12X16 stalls. We have one of the largest indoor arenas (180X70) in the region and outdoor all weather footing that offer plenty year-round riding opportunities. A training round pen, heated wash rack, tack rooms, and outdoor trails enhance your equestrian experience. The Meadow Run staff provides daily turn out, feeding three times daily from different hay options, daily stall cleaning/waters, and assistance with veterinarian and farrier visits.